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New hobby ideas for 2023.

Writer: rebecca selleckrebecca selleck

It's that time once again where a new year starts. I don't know about anyone else but for me it can be overwhelming. Reflecting on the past year and attempting to figure out how you want to change to make the next even better. Whether that's trying new things, wanting to get into shape or be healthier, all those classic New Years resolutions. It can be hard figuring out where to start. That's why i'm here to help.

The last year I ventured into new hobbies, I was fed up constantly watching TV shows and to be honest, that was kind of the only thing I did. Don't get me wrong, I love a good TV show, but sometimes it's nice to do other things. Over time, I found a few hobbies that bought me joy, and I'm hoping this blog post will inspire you to try something new.

I should start by saying not everything is for everyone. For example, I love crafts, but you might find it irritating, upsetting or boring and that's ok! It's about finding things which you love. I definitely tried a few hobbies this year that I didn't end up enjoying as much, but I wouldn't know I don't enjoy them if I never tried them.

Below are a list of some hobbies you may like to try out, I've added in advantages and disadvantages of each hobby. At the end of the day, I want my blog to be as transparent and real as possible!

1. Painting - Painting can be so therapeutic and you don't need to be artistic to paint. For me, painting is a mini escape. I'll tell you now it can be frustrating if you're a perfectionist like me but once you get over that hurdle of everything needs to be perfect, you'll find the joy in it. I also love to see the progress I make from painting to painting. My lines are smoother, I seem to have better grasp of colours and my creativity shines through more.

Advantages: Therapeutic, you don't need any previous knowledge and there's many different types of painting to explore.

Disadvantages: Costly to get started (paint, brushes, canvas) and can be slightly time consuming. I received painting supplies as gifts when I first got started which definitely helped me out but I remember buying a small starter kit from amazon which included a few canvas, paint brushes and a set of acrylic paints for around £15. That's a good deal, but with it remember the quality won't be amazing.

Below are a few photos of paintings I've done for some inspiration.

2. Yoga - I bet you read that and huffed. A year ago I would've done the same. But when I say yoga has really helped me, I mean it. The last year I've been on and off with yoga, I'll do it every day for a week and then forget it exists for months. I've recently started it again and believe I will be doing it for a long time. It's great for de-stressing and allowing some quiet time in your mind. Doing it in the morning helps me get started for the day and doing it in the evening helps me rewind and get ready for bed. It helps with mindfulness and flexibility. I'm not suggesting going to a yoga studio (unless you'd prefer that) as it can be overwhelming and uncomfortable for beginners. I've actually never stepped foot into a yoga class, but it is on my bucket list for 2023. I do yoga routines in my own home, using a mobile app. There's so much choice out there and so many have a free option as well as a paid premium option. You may also like to browse YouTube for guided videos.

Advantages: Great for the body and mind, you can pick and choose the time you spend on it, no starting costs unless you'd like to invest in it.

Disadvantages: Can be difficult to get your mind into it, may be uncomfortable if you have a small living space or hardwood flooring. Yoga mats can help but do cost some money.

3. Clay - Both Air-dry and Polymer clay can be so fun! You can make unlimited things like jewellery, dishes, plant pots etc. It can be very rewarding finishing a piece off. Not only can you have a new hobby playing with clay but you can also make snazzy things for you and your friends! I've had more experience with polymer clay, this type of clay comes pre-coloured and you cure it by baking it in an oven. You would use polymer clay for smaller crafts like jewellery and mini figurines. Air dried clay is mainly used for larger items like plant pots and dishes and comes plain, you then paint it the colours of your choice when it is dried. Overall I would say this hobby needs you to invest your time in it. I had my clay for months before I fully started to make creations as I would get stressed out it wasn't looking perfect or just get annoyed that it wasn't as easy as it looks.

Advantages of polymer clay: Simple to grasp (not as simple to perfect), there's lots of YouTube videos and blogs out there to help you get started. It's already pre-coloured and there's so many choices for brands.

Disadvantages of polymer clay: Costly, firstly it needs to be baked in an oven meaning you would need a specific baking tray for this. The clay itself also can be pricey. I would also recommend getting tools and a rolling pin to help mould it the way you want, as well as some baby oil to prevent sticking. Therefore to get started you would ideally need £30 minimum to pursue this hobby.

Advantages of air dried clay: A lot cheaper than polymer clay. This type of clay gives you more freedom as it can be used for big and small creations.

Disadvantages of air dried clay: Takes some time to dry, therefore you would need a space you can keep your creations in for a few days, if you have a small living space this may be a disadvantage for you. You also need to paint your creation, so if you don't currently have paint supplies it can be costly to purchase these, but you can also buy cheaper sets to get started. Ideally you would need £15-£20 to get started with this type of clay.

4. Upcycling - You may be familiar with upcycling from social media. People buy cheap, old or ugly furniture and use fancy tools to revamp it into something spectacular. That would be lovely to do, but it's expensive, bulky and very time consuming. The up cycling I'm talking about is smaller pieces like photo frames, mirrors etc. This is pretty much a combination of painting and clay for me. I like to browse charity shops for frames and mirrors which I can change into my aesthetic. Not only is it fun to check out what the local charity shops have to offer (may I suggest a cute date with yourself, grab a coffee and head to the shops) but it's so rewarding seeing the finishing product. There's no limitation to what you can do!

Below is a recent frame I upcycled.

Advantages: Fun to do, can provide you with new home decor or gifts.

Disadvantages: If you don't have clay or paint supplies already it may be costly, although if you do have these supplies the only thing you would need to spend money on is the items you're buying to upcycle. It can also take up space which isn't ideal if you live in a small home.

5. Dance - This may seem scary, it's a bit of an unusual hobby to get started with if you didn't start classes as a child, but you're never too old to try anything! I would suggest looking for local dance classes in a genre that sparks your interest, but that might be too scary for some, it definitely is for me! Lucky for us there's more places to start, you could look at YouTube videos or even play a dance game on a console if you have one. The only dancing I really do is around the kitchen when I'm cooking dinner with my headphones on, so I can't comment on going to dance classes. But this is a hobby which creeps into my mind a few times a year.

Advantages: Fun, is also a type of exercise, if you go to classes it gives you the chance to socialise and make new friends, there's so many types if you are interested in dance you're bound to find one you're into (such as tap, modern, hiphop etc).

Disadvantages: Classes can be costly, time consuming and can push you outside of your comfort zone (sometimes this is good!). If you have health issues it may cause some problems.

6. Cooking / baking - I like to think I do lots of cooking and baking but in reality I don't. I own one cupcake tin for baking which already limits what I can do. My dinners mainly consist of using sauces from jars or premixed seasoning. This is because I suffer from depression and cooking can be a massive task for me. Sometimes my dinner is toast or cereal because I just can't muster up the energy to cook a full meal. That's ok, as long as I'm still eating. I have some more blog ideas on mental health and cooking so be sure to keep an eye out on that if you also struggle like me. Cooking a lovely dinner or baking cakes can be so rewarding, not only do you have delicious food but you also learn about what you're eating and have the satisfaction to know you did that! If you have allergies I believe this is such a great hobby, why miss out on tasty food when you can make it yourself and know for sure its safe for you to eat!

Advantages: It's something we have to do to fuel our bodies, so why not take that extra step into learning more about it. You would have the basic equipment to start your journey in this hobby and most items can be inexpensive.

Disadvantages: Can be time consuming and if you want to go all in on this hobby some supplies can be expensive, specifically baking equipment - although for this, why don't you buy a cheap whisk and wooden spoon to start with rather than a big bulky electric set.

7. Exercise / fitness - Similar to yoga, I bet you moaned at reading that. I should start this section by saying I am in no way a fitness junkie. I'll join a gym and go a few times to never return at least once a year. But I think its important to open your mind into what a fitness hobby can look like. If you want to join a gym and lift weights, go to classes etc that's great and is something you should try. Although I want to discuss other options for those who may not be able to afford a membership or for those who suffer with anxiety or physical health issues. Exercise is such a good hobby as it is great for your mental and physical health. If you do have health issues, you should speak to a professional before going ahead, just to be safe. The two main exercise hobbies I do are walking and cycling, I dont even own a bike! I rent them via Beryl (its similar to the Boris bikes in London, but a different brand. Unsure if your local council do this? Look into it! So convenient). These are the easiest, especially for me as I suffer from asthma. You don't need to be good at walking or cycling to enjoy it. Put on a great playlist and enjoy the scenery. Take as many breaks as you like! A few others I can think of but may cost money or mean you're exercising with others include swimming, fencing, spin classes, tennis, volleyball.. the list goes on! Even if you wouldn't consider exercise as a hobby I believe even walking an hour or so once or twice a week would do wonders for your mental and physical health.

Advantages: Simple to do, you don't need any training or experience, and you can pick how long you spend on this hobby.

Disadvantages: If you suffer from health issues it may cause some difficulties. As someone who struggles with asthma I cannot for the life for me go jogging even though I would love to, that alongside my depression means even going for a walk can be a difficult task for me.

8. Bird watching - I haven't tried this one, and to be honest, it doesn't seem like my cup of tea but I wanted to add it in, as this isn't a list of hobbies I do, it's a list of new hobbies my readers may want to try out. Bird watching would allow you to spend more time outside, which we all know is good for your mental health. It would also provide you more knowledge on a new subject, if you like learning new skills and enjoy wildlife, this seems like a great hobby to start.

Advantages: Free (unless you want to purchase books or binoculars) there's a ton of bird information online and at your local library, i'm sure. Increases your knowledge on wildlife and gets you outside more.

Disadvantages: Can be time consuming and may be more difficult if you live in a city centre.

9. Gaming - When you hear people talk of gaming you may automatically think of teenage boys playing Fifa, shouting and punching walls. But that's just a stereotype. Gaming can improve your motor, creativity and thinking skills and can provide you something to do which doesn't require you to go outside or socialise. There's also many types of games and consoles out there, so there's something for everyone! Of course buying a new console can be expensive, but there's many free games out there for you to enjoy. The Sims 4 base game is now free for everyone to enjoy! You've also got mobile apps and online free games.

For me, I love playing The Sims 4, both gameplay and building. I also enjoy Minecraft so I would recommend those two. If you own a console but you find yourself leaving it untouched, why not browse the game selection and try something new. I even find myself whipping out my old Nintendo DS and playing a few games for nostalgic reasons.

Advantages: Can be free to do, allows you to play solo or even socialise and meet new internet friends (be careful, I won't give you a lecture as I'm sure you all know to be safe on the internet with people you don't know), improves skills.

Disadvantages: If you play solo it may be lonely at times, if you don't have the cash to buy new games you are limited to a selection - although this shouldn't put you off trying gaming, free games can be just as fun!

10. Writing - Just like i'm doing now! There's so many different things you may want to write about, maybe you'd enjoy writing a blog like myself, or you might be more interested in writing novels. Talking about life or creating a story can make you feel free. You may like writing stories to help yourself be more creative and explore your dreams, or you may like writing about your experiences to help yourself navigate through life. I would say the scariest thing about writing is when I publish it. It can be a huge step to post what you've wrote to the entire world but the best thing about writing is if you're not comfortable sharing it, you don't have to!

Advantages: Allows you to explore your mind, is free and the possibilities are endless!

Disadvantages: Can cause frustration and may be time consuming.

And that's the end of the list, for now. I hope you managed to find something that interested you. If you didn't, why don't you do a little googling to find something which is more for you. If you do try something from this list, be sure to let me know how it goes! I'm happy to answer any questions you may have by commenting on this post or messaging me directly on instagram @rebeccaselleckblogs :)

Thank you for reading, and have a great day!



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