Time to get spooky with this mega halloween quiz! From general knowledge to horror films to Urban legends and mythical creatures. This quiz is guaranteed to get you thinking! I know this is a little late, well, still in spooky season but just about and that's because I used this quiz on the 29th for my pub quiz's which I host weekly! A big thank you to everyone who came down, we raised £120 for Young Lives Vs Cancer <3.
Round one: General knowledge
If you were born on halloween what would your star sign be? Scorpio
What vegetable is traditionally carved on halloween? Pumpkin
What was the original purpose of bobbing for apples on Halloween? Fortune telling / deciding soul mates
What year will have the next Halloween with a full moon? 2039
What food item kills vampires? Garlic
Frankenstein is a novel written by which author? Mary Shelley
What was the first vegetable that was used to carve jack o lanterns? Turnips or potatoes
To the nearest thousand What is the world record for most lit jack-o-lanterns on display? 31,000 (30,581) - guinness world records
In which US state is it illegal to dress up like a priest or nun for Halloween? Alabama
What country is Transylvania, known as home to Dracula, located? Romania
Round two: TV and film
What is the name of the island the gang goes to in the 2002 Scooby-Doo movie? Spooky island
The three witches in Hocus Pocus are Winnie, Mary, and who? Sarah
Edward Cullen is a vampire in what popular movie and book series? Twilight
What year was the movie nightmare before Christmas released? 1993
In the Tv show brooklyn 99, what happens in even halloween episodes? A heist
Nandor the relentless, Lazalo and Nadja and the three main characters in which spooky tv series? What we do in the shadows
How many movies in total are there in The texas chainsaw massacre franchise? Nine
What is the colour of the balloon in the movie franchise IT? Red
In the movie Scream, what is the name of the character with the mask? Ghostface
How many seasons are there of the TV show, American horror story? 12
Round three - Music
To the nearest minute, how long is michael jacksons music video for thriller, from his youtube page? 14 mins - 13 mins 41 seconds
“I was working in the lab, late one night” is the starting line of which halloween song? Monster mash
The Ghostbusters theme song by Ray Parker jr took which spot on the uk singles charts during its release? Number 2
In the song “somebodys watching me” by rockwell. What can’t he enjoy as he fears someone is watching him? Tea
Which disney star released a song titled Vampire this year? Olivia Rodrigo
Season of the witch is a song by lana del ray which was released in which year? 2021
Which band sings the 1982 song abracadabra? Steve miller band
Superstition by stevie wonder was released in which year? 1972
Black magic is a song by which girl group? Little mix
Hip hop duo Outcast have a song called “blank wedding”, what is the blank? Dracula
Round four: Mythical creatures and urban legends
An urban legend of a household spirit, which appeared in english folklore, also shares its name with an ale company. What is it called? Hobgoblin
Bigfoot is said to be seen in which two countries? Canada and America
Which fictional character was created to scare people on the website creepypasta, which now has games and a movie about him? Slenderman
Chanting a particular ghosts name in the mirror in a dark room is said to summon who? Bloody Mary
On the A229 in Kent at blue bell hill there has been many reports of a women ghost seen at night, attempting to catch a ride. In every sighting, this women had the same outfit on, what was she wearing? A wedding dress
Medusa was said to have what live animal as her hair? Snakes
What is the nickname given to the loch ness monster? Nessie
Which mythical creature is also the national animal of Scotland? Unicorn
A centaur is from greek mythology with the upper body of a human and lower body of what animal? A horse
In irish folklore, what mythical creature is said to be found with a pot of gold under a rainbow? Leprechauns
Round five: True or false
Silly string is banned in hollywood during halloween? True
In 2020, halloween fell on a saturday? True
Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’ was originally called ‘Halloween Hotel’. False
A person who suffers from selenophobia is said to be terrified of the moon? True
The addams family is titled the number one halloween movie by IMDB? False, it is hocus pocus
It is illegal to dress up as a member of the royal family on halloween in the uk? False
Halloween originated in america? False - was an ancient celtic holiday
The creators of the sweet haribo, only decided to start up their company in order to profit from halloween? False
Wednesday addams brother is called pugsley? True
During world war two, sugar rations caused trick or treating to stop for five years? True