I was always curious of menstrual cups when I was a teenager. I loved the thought of not being scared of leakage, or the need to constantly change throughout the day. When I got my first period, I was given these giant pads that should’ve been called a nappy. I could feel my school trousers become tighter from the extra padding I had at that time of the month. I felt self-conscious that others could see the big nappy shaped blood pillow. However, the thought of shoving a plastic cone up my vagina wasn’t too appealing to me either. I managed to move onto tampons which I believed were fantastic... until I met my moon cup.

There are so many companies out there now, I personally have only used the brand “moon cup” however they all look very similar and I believe they work the same. The amount of benefits it has are mind blowing. How I did not get one before?!
One of the main reasons why people change to menstrual cups is for the environment. The amount of waste that is reduced is shocking. Not only is it the actual tampon or pad, but all the outer packaging, the wrapping and the applicators! It all adds up and when you think about the mass amount of people who use these products which end up going into landfill it’s a little bit worrying. This leads me onto the benefit of feeling good that you’ve made a positive change. It’s always a feel-good moment when you know you are reducing the amount of damage to the environment.
Using my cup reduces my anxiety, the fear of leaking and worrying about when I can next change a tampon can really ruin my day. There’s no need to constantly change the cup, I empty mine in the morning and before bed. The first day of my cycle I will tend to wear a small panty liner as the cup needs time to adjust and mould to your vagina shape. However, one box of £1 panty liners can last me for 3 cycles / months. This is a huge saving when I would spend £10+ on products each cycle! Trust me when I say you will save yourself so much money. There’s no need to worry about stocking up either or running out and not being able to get more for the night. There’s no risk of toxic shock syndrome unlike tampons. My mind feels at ease using a menstrual cup, my periods go faster, I feel less anxious and overall my period no longer controls my life for that week.
Everyone I have spoken to say the size scares them; this is totally understandable! I was scared too, however there are different sizes which depend on factors including your age and if you have children. These cups are completely safe, of course they go through regulations and all that stuff, not to mention they’re BPA free. The small little stick at the bottom is what freaks people out, however that’s needed so you can pull it out! They suggest cutting it once you are comfortable using one if you wish, however I have not cut mine and I don’t feel the need to, you never feel it and most of the time I forget it’s in there.
The other worry for most people is cleaning it. Each time I empty my cup I will rinse it with hot water. And after each period I will boil it on the stove for about 10-15 minutes to kill any bacteria that’s got onto it (do not use a pot you cook food in, I have a separate small pot for my moon cup).
I know these aren’t for everyone, but I personally believe it’s changed my life and changed how my mentality is when I’m on my period. If you are curious, I highly recommend it. I promise that they do not hurt, and you will never know the benefits personally until you try one!
Here’s the link to the Mooncup website https://www.mooncup.co.uk where you can purchase one or look more into one with their FAQs and information slides.