Hello, I’m back. I’ve said that before. But it’s okay to take breaks. The last few months I’ve had this blog creeping into my mind more and more.
It’s not the only thing on my mind though. After graduating university I realised my life is now beginning. There’s nothing holding me back like academic work or deadlines. Despite starting a business back in lockdown, university made me feel as if my life was on hold. Although I did four years of undergraduate work, I didn’t leave university knowing what I wanted to do with my life. And that’s okay. This is the time for me to try new things and discover myself.
So here I am. I wanted to start this blog back up for myself, for my confidence and I guess as a little hobby. But the internet is a scary place. Constantly being seen by others all over the world is terrifying for me, but this is also something I enjoy. Strange, right? Maybe that’s why I took some time(well, a lot. Let’s be real) away.
The reason I’m continuing this blog and not starting a new one because I want to show you all that it is okay to take breaks from things, when life is stressful or that thing isn’t bringing you happiness anymore, you can put it aside until you’re ready to continue.
I’ll be sharing my lifestyle, advocating mental health, discussing food, music and hobbies and everything in between.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and welcome to my journey.