The other day I was discussing chameleons with a friend of mine. Strange creatures but very cool. I was thinking how great it would be if we, humans, could also change colour and blend into our surroundings. It got me wondering at what point did Chameleons start to change colour, was the species just born that way or did they evolve? I have many questions about it. So I thought I'd do some research and learn something new. Then I thought why not share my findings with you lovely lot - interesting facts but not difficult to read; like "chameleons for dummies".

So I wanted to find out more about them changing colour. When I thought about how cool it would be if we as a species could change colour to blend in, I thought about all the miscevioush ways it could be used. Want to avoid a chatty person in the street you just know is going to stop you and ask about life? Want to sneak into a party or event? Hide and seek would be a lot more interesting!! I assumed it was the main way that chameleons avoid predators. Too lazy to run or hide so they just vanish - pretty impressive in my opinion. They do use camouflage to aid them in hiding from predators however it's said they have faith in and rely on their normal earth-y colours to blend in and they have other forms of self defence - they pretend to be dead and then will vibrate when inside the mouth of their hunter. They'll flatten themselves out like a cartoon or use their razor sharp teeth (I didn't really clock before that chameleons would have sharp teeth... no wonder I'm researching this). Chameleons mainly use their colour changing abilities to showcase their emotions or to attract some pretty mates *wink* - but they also use it to defend their territory. Imagine not knowing which ones they mean; "hey Peter, you're light blue, does that mean you're horny or about to murder me for being on your stick again?"
So HOW does this happen? The reason why we cannot change colours like a chameleon is because we do not have the skin cells they have which aid in this wizardry. This special skin cell is called chromatophores, some class this as an organ! And chameleons aren't the only animal to have chromatophores; Squid, octopus and other cephalopod animals also have these skin cells. Chameleons have multiple layers of this skin cell which allows for their shape shifting colours. The pigments within the skin cells are able to expand or contract which changes to colour of the skin. On top of that, chameleons also have more special cells which are called iridophores and leucophores. These skin cells work alongside chromatophores by being able to scatter and reflect light which can really make a difference in skill when they're camouflaging from danger.
But how do they control this skill? Well, it's not as easy as them thinking "go red, I want to show this bitch not to mess with me again". It's a mix of hormones, temperatures and the atomic nervous system. So basically in easier to understand terms; a chameleon will change colour based off their emotions and their environment.
A fun fact: the more 'striking' colours occur when males are mating. So this fella below is well, having a good time...

Now one question which got me thinking, why do they do this? When did they feel the need to evolve, to be able to change the colour of their skin to help them live? It's not like we can just ask the chameleons. There's a few theories on this which I found online. There is the 'camouflage hypothesis' which tells us that this evolution was because they had to escape predators - this is the main thing discussed when we talk about chameleons - it was only today I found out this isn't their main reason for changing colour! Another theory is they adapted to be able to communicate with other chameleons - this makes more sense to me because as discovered earlier, the main use of this colour changing skin cells is to show emotions, protect themselves and try to find a mating partner. So their skin changing colour is just like talking? Either way, I'm impressed and jealous.
So there it is, that is how and why chameleons change colour! I'm sure I could've gone into much more depth and be a bit more scientific but then I'd be confusing all of us! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed researching our cute lil chameleons. Have wonderful weekend <3